
Personal transformation

Is your life full of struggles, fears, failures and disappointments? Are you tired of everything and you really just want to make it better? Maybe you are happy with your life and you only want to know more about your true self? Regardless where you are at this moment, something brought you to me and all I can say is, congratulations! Personal transformation is a beautiful journey that brings great results.

In life, there are general expectations from either parents, partners, society … but the fact is that these expectations are rarely compatible with each individual. People are very different and each generalized expectation is taking away freedom of choice, which is essential for the relaxed and happy life.

Not living the life you are born to live affects the human body, which is an indicator of the psychological state of a person. Whether you have a headache or a toe on your foot hurts, that is the sighn of how you feel. If energies in your body are not in alignment, a certain body part starts to ache or it breaks or a certain disease develops if you do not respond to the body alarm soon enough. When in time a serious illness may evolve it’s a serius wake up call, that you are psychologically burdened by something.

Every disease is curable, if you know how to listen to your body, but why would you wait for a desease to evolve? Let’s change your life sooner! The blocks are also shown in all areas of life. Unhappiness at work, love, relationships … it can be changed. I developed my own techniques that changes lives of people fast and long term. I have the gift of clairvoyance that helps me see the reasons for the problems people have and then I clear  the negative energy and change the wrong subconscious beliefs.

After our sessions you and the others will notice the changes in your energy, behavior and your life will start to get easier.

At first glance, it sounds so easy, but it is not. It is a process. It is possible you only need one session but usually you need a few for the best result possible.

Let’s get busy and start create your life the way you want it to be! It is possible to live the life of your dreams.


  • life transformations
  • energy clearing
  • clearing relationships, abundance and other blocks
  • finding the life purpose coach
  • clearing traumatic experiences
  • healing different fears / phobias
  • the resolution of repetitive patterns in life
  • discovering your trueself
  • manifestations
  • life coach
  • past life reading therapy
  • medium …

* An individual approach that offers participants not only theoretical knowledge, but above all active and ongoing changes in problem areas.
* small groups, that allow equal work with each person individualy.
* emphasis is on an intuitive approach – I quickly recognize the source of the problem,
* learn and experience the practical spirituality.
* The results are lifelong, besides the energetic cleansing of the subconscious, I also teach you techniques that you can use yourself.
* relaxed and safe atmosphere, because everything we do on workshops stays between us.


1 hour session  80 eur

2 hours sessions  125 eur

3 hours sessions 180 eur